is a one-of-a-kind Ad Network that revolutionizing online advertising by using its own platform that uses Blockchain Technology to connect Advertisers and Publishers to have a direct deal. It is said to be an open-source ecosystem that both publishers and advertisers can openly bid and offer by-ad-products.

Adshare is there main decentralized platform, you can Advertise and/or apply as Publisher to their Ad Networks running using with their server. These Networks are:
Adaround and Flyersquare
Adaround and Flyersquare is where you wanted to go if you want to advertise or apply as a publisher. These two are identical in terms of templates and functionality, you will not recognize them immediately if you logged-in into both networks. the only difference is the advertisers unless advertisers created a campaign on both networks. If you wish to apply as publisher, it is recommended to have only one network, but you can apply in both networks.
Applying is so easy, and unlike other ad networks, you can access both publisher and advertiser when you have your account successfully verified. You will just need to fill up the basic information in the registration page.

Verify and using the application
Once you submit your appllication, you need to verifiy your account using the verification link sent to your email. Since its a newly created account, you will be asked wether to procceed as publisher, or Advertiser.there is nothing much to do in advertiser, we will tackle that after our publisher guide.
If you are up to becoming one of their publishers, all you need to do is follow their steps, first, you will be asked about the basic information, Pops and popunder integration(Optional), Ad Units(Banners), Exclusions(Ads you prefer not to be shown) and finally the summary. You will all go through these steps in the picture given below.

Type’s of Ad Unit and offers a wide variety of Ad Units, and what I like most is their wide selection of ad banners that you can make them match your website’s design.
Pop-up and Popunder
These type of Ads allows you to monetize your site with pop-up and pop-under. Integrating it is allowing the ads to be shown in a new tab window if your visitor clicks or automatically opens in some duration of time spent by the user where the Popup code is added.
You can change and the frequency and number of pops and popunder to appear on your site. The minimum setting appearance is 1 every 1 hour.
If 1 pop-up every 1 hour is still too many for you, you can use their new feature where the pop appears in more than 1 hour appropriately. All you have to do is to remove the pop-up code but still enabling the pop-up and popunder.
There are 30 types of Banner sizes you can choose to display their ads. Choosing the right size greatly enhances and balance your ad revenue, and your user’s experience in your site.

If you are having a hard time choosing, you can easily find the right banners by choosing the “DISPLAY” option to see the recommended banners such as Mobile Display or Desktop Display Banners.
300×250 banner is my favorite, because they fit in desktop screen and gives a good view, and also fits in Mobile screen without overlapping the screen.
One thing they lack is a responsive Banner where the ads banner resizes when when your screen is smaller, which very convenient. I only seen these kinds of banners from one of the Ad networks I have been using is in
What is Adshares Really
Similar to Bitcoin, they created their own blockchain to connect their advertisers and publishers, to use their own Token called ADS (Adshare). These tokens are used to pay their publishers, based on the the USD CPM rate, that are converted to USD. Adshares believe, with this kind of innovation to apply in these new style of advertising, it makes more transparent and more faster transaction between the publisher and advertisers.
Running an Ad Network using Adshares
Flyersquare and Adaround ofcourse using Adshares, but recently there are two(2) added Networks. It means that they are individual Ad Networks that uses Adshares Server. To check out more about about Adshare Server, check out the link below.
Adshares Article / How to Start AdServer
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