Monetizing your fresh Crypto faucets, Top 5 to get started.

What are crypto-faucets anyway?

Cryptocurrency faucet is a revenue-sharing site, well, most are a single-page site that rewards their users with a small amount of bitcoin called satoshis. It is first called as Bitcoin faucets but alternatively become Crypto Faucets because of added alternative coins as rewards.

If you still don’t have a clue, you can try to visit one of your Crypto Faucets >> FP CLAIMERCORNER BTC, you can see more faucets we run and recommended Faucet sites in the Menu Bar.

If you are planning to start running one of these sites, then you need Ad networks to work with to monetize your Crypto-Faucet. But before you get started, you should also know that running these kind of sites has no guarantee that you will earn. Some do, but most don’t. Read our separate content about Running a Crypto Faucet Site.


A-ads, also known as Anonymous Ad Network is one of a kind Crypto Ad Network. It is the first option that any Crypto Faucet owners will recommend to newbies. A-ads do not require to limit publishers who wish to monetize their site. By having a Contentless site, you get approved immediately and get access to their Banners. But Content can give a good impact as well.

Tips: Paste their adcode exactly to the page you are pointing. Put their code in public pages their bot can check.

A-ads can be the most profitable ad network you will experience. CPM rates can be as higher than tjhe other ad networks cannot give. But the tricky part is displaying more ads and getting more clicks from it does has no guarantee of making you earning more from them. It’s their quality control over excessive usage of their banners and preventing from cheating publishers.

You can monetize your site with Ad Banners.

2. Flyersquare and Adaround

Flyersquare and Adaround are sister Ad Netowrk, run and managed by, the very first decentralized Ad Network. By working with them as publisher, you can earn ADS Token that can be withdrawn to Graviex and PancakeSwap.

These ad networks have an average standard requirements to get accepted as publisher. Their rates are comparitably lower than other adnetworks, and they pay you with their own token that can be both an advantage and disadvantage. Their Token price can go somewhere in the space that can get you more earnings but can go rock bottom inside the earth’s core. But recent’s ADS Token performance is also promising and doubles its price with the past few months.

You can monetize using, Popup, Popunder, Banners and Ad banners different sizes.

Don’t get upset with them, once your site grows, you can request for a higher publisher rate.

3. Coinverti

Coinverti is one of the newest player in Ad Network industry. They accept any site traffic but are limited or not to sites such as Porn and Shady Sites.

CPM and rates are basely fair compare to other high-standard Crypto Ad networks. You can monetize your site using their Popup, popunder, and Ad Banners.

4. BMFads

BMFads is a new player in Ad Network industry. They accept any Online Earning Site but not to URL Shortener Sites. BMFads is a sister website of, one of the most reliable earning content community and largest earning related content.

They are good way to begin with your Crypto faucet. Comparatively their CPC rates between in standard to high rate.

You can monetize your site using Popop, Popunder, Native banner and background integration code, floating banner and block displayed banner with multiple sizes to choose that will suite your site.

5. Cryptocoinsad

You can monetize your site with cryptocoinsad using their popup, floating banner, and multiple block banners sizes. You must have atleast in 300k Alexa Rank. One of the least that I can recommend because of they do not show any CPM rate and CPC details, but they reports given they do pay there publisher and they have been in the industry for quite sometime.

+ 6. Bitmedia

Bitmedia is one of the best ad networks you can work with adding them as number 6 does not mean you should only consider them but before others but, should be one of your primary Ad network Target. Because the list above are according to a fresh Faucet Site to get started.

Bitmedia have a good CPC rate. But recently due to the higher number of Faucet sites, and bad traffic quality a faucet site can give to their advertisers, they set their standard bar higher. But it is worth to get your site approved.

Tips: Before applying, get your site below 100k Alexa Rank. Create a contentful landing page, avoid using earn, lottery, dice, and faucet if you have too on your Faucet site.

Aside from having a good CPC rate, they also have a decent CPM rate.

You can monetize your site with different sizes of Ad Banners.

Ad networks above lists are the convenient way to get started and would give you ROI from rewards given to your faucet claimers. But that does not end there, there are is always a risk in running a faucet, that would involve a cheater claimer which is unavoidable.


Other good networks that are worth to apply as publisher and get accepted. Sites below are conditionally accepting Faucet Sites with a good Alexa rank.

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