With all the newly started Ad networks in 2021, that runs/powered with the most similar, common ad platform, which only lasts a month like bitcointraffic.ltd(closed), well I am sure BMFads is different.

About BMFads.com
Bmfads.com is one of the newest ad network platforms that allow you to advertise on almost any form of ad campaign you want to choose. Popup, Almost any size Banner ads from background display ads, appropriate mobile and desktop banners.
BMFads.com is owned and managed by Mr.B, a sister site of a well-known online earning forum that rewards his members by actively participate on creating new thread topics and commenting/posting on a well and appropriate topic. All topics must be related to Ways on How to Earn Online.
Type of Campaign/Adcode
Similar to the advertiser’s options on choosing the right campaign, publishers, on the other hand can choose what ad code he want to use in his site.
Aside from the types of ad format that you want to use, you can also choose either you want CPC or CPM, or you can do both at the same time.
Requirements as Publisher
To aligned with his other existing site’s niche, BMFads favor’s acceptance to any revenue/incentive sharing sites such as, Bitcoin Faucets, PTC and other similar sites, but NOT to paid-URL Shortener site’s.
Payment Options
- Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
- Payeer
- Perfectmoney
Minimum withdrawal is equivalent to 0.001 BTC
Creating Ads
For you to be able to use the ad code, you must add your site. You can add add as many sites as you have.
Just hover on the navigation under publisher >> Sites >> Add Site, Fill the necessary required filled and Submit your application.
It may take hours or days to get approved as it is manually verified by their team.
You also get an email whether your site is approved or rejected.
But can always reapply and ask can email the their support for verification again and details on how to get approved.

Once you got Accepted, hover to Adcode in navigation menu, and click Create. You will be directed to the adcode creating page.

As you can see in the image in Create Adcode, you can create easily by choosing the right ads you want to display in your site.
Ad Display:
- Predefined
- Native
Ad Type:
- Banners Only
- Text Only
- Banners/Text
Targeting Site: Choose your verified/accepted Site to display the ads.
Adcode Type:
The Adblock portion is easy, you can choose what size of banner to display. For Popunder type of adcode, you will get immediately the code and integrate the code beofre </body>.
Promising Future of BMFads
I believe that the BMFads will step-up and will be stable in competing other existing and trusted ad-networks. Only time can tell with the right execution of the owner, as I am aware all of his digital assets right now are build with effort, love and passion.
follow the official thread of BMFads to get more updates.
BMFads Official Thread
Ready to monetize your with BMFads?
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