DRAGONARY, Decentralized NFT Gaming

image grabbed from Dragonary Landing Page

Dragonary is a new Decentralized NFT game where you earn to play, created and developed by Coinary, team lead by Alejo, Chababo (CEO- Founder). The concept of the game is about dragons, where you will tame, breed, and equip your dragons to make them strong. Game rewards are called Coinary, a Non-Fungible Token that will … Read more

Monetizing your fresh Crypto faucets, Top 5 to get started.

Credit: unsplash.com/@marvelous

What are crypto-faucets anyway? Cryptocurrency faucet is a revenue-sharing site, well, most are a single-page site that rewards their users with a small amount of bitcoin called satoshis. It is first called as Bitcoin faucets but alternatively become Crypto Faucets because of added alternative coins as rewards. If you still don’t have a clue, you … Read more

Top Crypto Sites that will feed your brain with Crypto Updates

Image from @peiobty from unsplash

In this post, we are going to talk about the top sites that will help us monitor Cryptocurrencies and other digital coins. The world is changing very fast, and as a normal person with a normal job, I have been intrigued with Cryptocurrency for years and invest little that I can only afford to lose. … Read more